December Update

 December Hours: 9 hours

Fall Cumulative: 12 hours

    Hello everyone! We are halfway through December, such an exciting time to end the year on a good note. I think this a great opportunity to be able to give back to communities and spread holiday cheer. One of the first community service projects I did was go to my local library and help decorate the children's section. I love this library and I used to go quite often, so it feels nice to be able to come back and help wherever I can. I stayed for 4 hours and got some studying done after. Some Christmas crafts that the kids did before were put on the tree. It looked very festive and cute at the end. I know the kids will love it.

Second community service project was at my local YMCA. My first job was there and I started as a summer camp counselor, then worked child care for about 4 years. I have many memories there, so it's a great spot for me to be able to help. They hosted a Santa Soiree on Saturday and I came in early with some of the workers to help put everything together and decorate. I got to see some of the kids I used to work with and had a blast. This took about 5 hours! They had craft stations set up for kids of different age groups, a photo booth, fake snow to play in, and great Christmas music! It was quite a tonight, we even had the Grinch show up!

So back to school things, I finished taking my last 3 exams of the semester and I would like to take some time to reflect on how this semester has been for me. I think this pharmacology program is really helping to prepare and shape me for medical school. I am learning more than I thought I could about drugs and the human body. I feel like now I have a bit of a better grasp on the routine and acquiring better study habits. I've also made  great friends this semester, so I look forward to what next semester brings us. This is definitely a well needed break. Time to shut off the brain for a few weeks and soak in all the holiday fun.

'Tis the season! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!


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